Fuel Poverty
Advice & Support

Many families are struggling to maintain a constant fuel supply in their homes and with fuel prices rising, this is increasingly taking more and more of their weekly budget.
In the winter there is extra pressure on heating costs and in the summer months the children are at home and families use more electricity and gas for cooking.
For a number of years we have helped the individuals and families in greatest need ,keep their supply on. Families often suffer a financial crisis due to a delay in benefit or an unexpected cost arising.
Families have to be referred to the scheme from a money advisor, credit union or other professional such as a health visitor, social care or support worker. Grants are given following an assessment of need. We are now a member of the Fuelbank Foundation and this has helped us to reach more people safely. Credit is added to their cards/keys .No money is given This is one-off help because of the demand.

Registered charity 1154552