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Our Work

Painting Eggs


Wrigglers is a long running play ‘n’ stay group that meets on Monday mornings at 10am - 11.45am (term-time only) in the project.. This allows the younger children to spend quality time with their parents/ carers. This is also an informal social meeting time for those who may be new to the area or a first time mum. 




The drop in has been the heart of the project. It gives us an opportunity to hear what families want and need and provides an informal social setting for the community to congregate. We are open for residents to drop in on Monday afternoons and Tuesdays. 



Child by the Window

Fuel poverty

Many families are struggling to maintain a constant fuel supply in their homes and with fuel prices rising, this is increasingly taking more and more of their weekly budget. For a number of years we have raised money to help the individuals and families in greatest need keep their supply on particularly if a financial crisis arises due to a delay in benefit or an unexpected cost arising. 



Holiday Hunger

We know that parents struggle to feed their children during the summer, Easter and Christmas school break. During term time many children have free school meals. Parents not only have extra food costs during the summer months but also extra fuel costs.


Cute Girl Eating Apple

Christmas Parties

This is a good opportunity to get families together, helping cohesion and friendships to develop between neighbours. We hire the ground floor of the Community centre and invite 150 children and their
families to attend. 



Family Trips

Many parents dread the long summer, Easter and Christmas school breaks because there is a lack of affordable activities. Since the project has been operating we have always tried to offer very low cost trips and activities. We want to help families to enjoy their time together and with the rest of their community. 




Emergency Support

We keep a small stock of food, toiletries and nappies for emergency help. We try to help as much as we can even giving bus fare or cash. This is very limited and so is not always available.


Registered charity 1154552

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